Legal Framework
The Sons of Norway Foundation in Canada was established in 1971 as a Charitable Organization by authority of Part II of the Canada Corporations Act (CCA). Letters Patent incorporating Sons of Norway Foundation in Canada was issued on 6th August, 1971. (Part II specifically covered those “Corporations without share capital”.)
The Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (NFP Act) was established to replace Part II of the Canada Corporations Act and came into force on October 17, 2011. The process of conversion required that all non-profit corporations, originally established under Part II of CCA, would need to complete a re-registration process by October 17, 2014. When our Foundation re-registration process was completed a Certificate of Continuance was issued dated August 22nd, 2013.
From 1971 to October 2014, our Foundation operated under a set of Bylaws approved by the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada. Under the new NFP Act, our Bylaws or amendments thereto are now approved by our Voting Members at an Annual General Meeting and are filed with Corporations Canada.
Click here to view our Bylaws.
Board of Directors
The Sons of Norway Foundation in Canada is administered by a Board of Directors. From 1971 to 2008 the number of directors was six. In 2008, the number of directors was increased to seven. The election of directors occurs at the Annual General Meetings in even years. Each Board member is elected as a National Director. Following the election, the Board elects its officers from the elected National Directors. Those elected will be the declared representatives of respective Voting Memberships – in most cases of Voting Memberships of (Canadian) Sons of Norway lodges, those representatives will be local Lodge Foundation Directors. Affiliate groups will have their own way of selecting their representatives. In order for a Board member to hold their position, this representation status must remain active.
The term of each National Director is four years. In each election year three or four directors are elected, depending on the number of positions that are vacant. Also, at each election year two alternate directors are elected, each to a two year term. The purpose of alternate directors is to step in if a Board member is unable to participate.
The Officers of the Board of Directors are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Other positions may be appointed from time to time by the Board of Directors. No salary is paid to any Board member.
Annual General Meetings
Annual General Meetings are usually held on the second Saturday in September following Labour Day. Those attending and having voting privileges are current representatives of Voting Memberships. Each representative is eligible to be a candidate for election to a National Director position or as an Alternate Director at each election event.