The SONS OF NORWAY FOUNDATION IN CANADA provides direct and designated grants to support educational programs for post-secondary students and to support cultural and recreational activities for Sons of Norway Lodges, affiliate groups and individuals. It should be noted that funding for all bursaries and grants is available only to Canadian individuals, organizations and Lodges.
Types of Funding
You can apply for various types of funding, including the following. (PDF files require Acrobat Reader to view and complete. If you are experiencing difficulties opening a form, click here to upgrade to the newest version.of Acrobat Reader.)
Cultural Grants - Lodges & Affiliate Groups Open or Close
Cultural grants may be awarded to Sons of Norway lodges or affiliate groups to assist in covering some of the event costs.
- Form CF002 – Grant Application Form
- Application deadlines are March 1 and September 1 of each year.
- Form CF007 – Follow-Up report must be submitted following completion of the event.
Tormod Rekdal Cultural Grant - Individuals Open or Close
The Tormod Rekdal Cultural Grant provides financial assistance to persons taking training courses or workshops. Preference is given to those who teach their skills to others.
- Form CF004 – Grant Application Form
- Application deadlines are March 1 and September 1 of each year.
- Form CF007 – Follow-Up report must be submitted following completion of the event.
Post-Secondary and Certificate or Trade Bursaries Open or Close
Post-secondary and certificate or trade apprenticeship bursaries are funded through the General Fund. Post-secondary bursaries are for undergraduate studies at Canadian institutions. Only studies towards the first degree or diploma will be considered in this program. Awards can also be considered for those in certificate or apprenticeship programs. (Certificate programs have an outlined number of courses that must be passed in order to graduate.)
Awards are normally $800 for undergraduate studies and $600 for certificate and apprenticeship program participants.
No more than three awards will be awarded to any one individual.
- Form CF001 – Bursary Application for university/college studies
- Form CF010 – Certificate and Trade School Application Form for certificate and apprentice/trade school studies
- Application deadline is August 31 of each year
Lysne Rosemaling Grant Application Open or Close
The Lysne Rosemaling Grant supports workshops for people wanting to learn or upgrade their Rosemaling skills. People who plan to teach Rosemaling skills to others will also be considered.
- Form CF008 – Lysne Rosemaling Grant Application applicatiion form.
- Application deadlines are March 1 or September 1 of each year.
- Form CF007 – Follow-Up report must be submitted following completion of the event.
Humanitarian Support Open or Close
The Humanitarian Financial Support Fund provides financial support to people who have suffered catastrophic losses to their homes, home inventory or properties.
This Fund is supported financially by individuals or groups by extending financial benefits to others and claiming tax deductions for their donations.
Applying for a Humanitarian Financial Support Fund Grant:- Applications for grants must be initiated by a Local Lodge or Affiliate Group and signed by the President and Secretary of the sponsor group.
The Foundation Board of Directors will review the grant request including the accompanying information package and when approved will forward the grant to the named recipient.
To make a donation to the Humanitarian Support Fund:
- complete CF006 - Donation Form, being sure to select "Humanitarian Relief Fund" in Part 1.
- Submit the Donation Form, along with your donation by mail to:
Ron Reine, Treasurer
40 Brazeau Crescent SW
Calgary, AB T2W 0Z1-
Note: Cheques must be payable to the SONS OF NORWAY FOUNDATION IN CANADA.
- provide you a receipt for incame tax purposes
- ensure the required documentation is in place prior to forwarding the funds to the recipent
- authorize the establishment and establish the duration of each funding project
- be in receipt of a grant application on behalf of the person suffering the loss and signed by the lodge/sponser group preseident and secretary
- Applications for grants must be initiated by a Local Lodge or Affiliate Group and signed by the President and Secretary of the sponsor group.
Folkehøgskole Bursary Open or Close
The Folkehøgskole Bursary provides financial assistance to applicants who are registered and will be attending Folkehøgskole in Norway. Applicants can receive up to CDN $750, depending on the number of applications. In order that applications can be considered, notification of acceptance at the school must be included with the application.
- Form CF005 – Folkehøgskole Bursary Application Form.
- Appliation deadline is April 30 of each year.
Sons of Norway members may also apply for “Helen Tronvold Norwegian Folk High School Scholarship” through the (US) Sons of Norway Foundation. For information please go to the website:
Oslo International Summer School (ISS) Bursary Open or Close
To be eligible for an ISS Bursary, applications to attend ISS must be made to:
University of Oslo
The International Summer School (ISS)
Application Process for ISSWhen applicants have been notified of acceptance by ISS, they can apply to the Sons of Norway Foundation in Canada for a financial grant. Applicants can receive up to a maximum of CDN $750.00 each, depending on the number of applicants.
- Form CF003 – Oslo International Summer School Bursary Application Form.
- The deadline for application is June 15 of each year.
Sons of Norway members may also apply for “Oslo International Summer School Scholarship” through the (US) Sons of Norway Foundation. For information please go to the website:
Bjarne and Karel Thorshaug Norwegian Studies Bursary Open or Close
This bursary provides financal assistance for undergraduate students enrolled full-time and taking course work at a Canadian post-secondary institution in Norwegian Language, History and/or Culture. In order to be considered for this bursary, at least 20% of the course load must be in these classes.
- Form CF009 – Bjarne & Karel Thorshaug Norwegian Studies Bursary
- Application deadline is August 31 of each year.
Lodges and Lodge Groups
Based on funding availability, financial assistance may also be provided to Canadian Sons of Norway lodges or lodge groups that offer classes or workshops in Norwegian Language, History and/or Culture.
- Form CF002 – Grant Application Form
- Application deadline is March 1 and September 1 of each year.
- Form CF007 – Follow-Up Report must be submitted following completion of the cultural event.
Student Funding Open or Close
Bursaries/Scholarships funding can be obtained by applying through a variety of sources such as associations, unions and many companies (especially those connected to applicant’s career path); nationwide websites listing award opportunities; and learning institutions one may be associated with. Think of a career plan and search within that job structure, follow it by ‘awards’ search and see what comes up!